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(This post is a little bit longer than usual, but then it’s real interesting; please do comment)

The tag “the war of the sexes” has been afloat for a long while now. The first time I heard this caption was when I started studying history. I think it was class 8 that my history teacher told me all the injustices (hmmm…) that males inflicted over females during the course of time. However this post is not about social woes and historical treatment of sexes. It instead is about the future; it’s about who I think (and many scientist agree) is going to win the war of the sexes.

Today morning after coming from the market (I understand you didn’t need to know that but being descriptive is a plague I carry), I put on the TV to check what’s hot on the news. India wining the cup flooded all news channels today and watching re-runs of the same clips a million times got me feeling real bored (I am a die hard Indian fan – but a million re-runs?); Since the news was flooded with re-runs I flipped through the “animal channels” which include National Geographic, Discovery, and Animal Planet. Animal planet as usual had something real interesting playing on it – “the war of the sexes” extreme. For people who don’t watch animal planet often, they run a list of top 10 animals in the animal kingdom that are extreme at various feats.
This caught my attention.

Moving forward; the show was amazing, the 2nd most extreme creature in the animal kingdom when it comes to “war of the sexes” is the Praying Mantis (at least to the research team of Animal Planet).
In the world of the Praying Mantis, being male could get you killed. The male praying mantis rarely moves close to a female and there’s a justified reason for that. No their not all gays, but instead it’s because the female praying mantis is cannibalistic by nature. Mating = death for the male mantis. The female mantis bites of the head of the male mantis to provide nutrition for the kids (err… I think the technical term is larvae). The funny thing is that the male is eaten during mating; the male mantis has its brain near its end… so while the heads popped up and chewed upon the sex is still going on! (and I thought a gangbang was freaky).

I kept thinking number two was freakishly freaky and well if your killing the males you must be given the title of number 1 – the most extreme. After watching number one – the female Praying Mantis seemed a whole lot nicer.

Number one on the list was – the Whipped Tail Lizard. The females amongst the whipped tail lizards haven’t just won battles; they instead have won the war. Guess what? – The females have wiped out the male population. There isn’t one male whipped tail lizard left in the whole wide world (how freaky is that?).
It seems over time evolution has realized that the males weren’t strong enough to survive and so only the females kept thriving. The mother produces eggs which are clones of the mother herself!
So how the hell do they reproduce? Well one female mounts on the other, thrusting with force to provide the required force to spill out the larvae. This suggests that once upon time (like in the fairy tales) there must have existed males – but sadly for them being lesbian was the way to go and as a result they perished.

If that wasn’t interesting, what followed on the show definitely was. Everyone knows that males and females have chromosomes (which carry DNA – the molecular structure for life). Females have an X-X chromosome while males have an X-Y chromosome.
Research over the whipped tail lizard and the other instances of female domination in the animal kingdom has suggested that males of various species could be at the verge of extinction.

Scientists believe the main function of males is to help in reproduction. Instances in the animal kingdom show that females do most of the work while the sole purpose of a male is to help in reproduction. If only it were possible for females to reproduce by themselves, then we as males would have no use!

Moving forward to our genetic make up and how it suggests that the war between sexes is nearing finish.
Scientists believe that at the beginning the X and Y chromosome were of the same size. The X chromosome contains 1500 genes while the Y chromosome contains 75 genes. According to theses scientists (mainly dealing with evolution), the Y chromosome has been shrinking over time. Some even suggest that the Y chromosome may continue to shrink and may soon disappear (in as little as 150,000 years!). That would mean the extinction of males and a new world of lesbians (ha-ha).

Is this possible? For now it’s just a theory so there’s yet a hell lot of research and studying left to do to confirm such theory.

But then there’s already a case in the animal kingdom so…just maybe…


I totally loved this post.. its really really interesting... and i couldnt stop reading it. It made me want to watch the programme too.

September 25, 2007 at 9:00 PM  

ur blog was very interestin tis time interestin facts bout d animal kingdom i have also watched tis programme n seen tis bt never thought it a person like u would write d same matter so interstingly very nicely written i hope u keep writin such interestin topics in future

September 25, 2007 at 9:25 PM  

floyd do u think extinction or further developement of the sexual apetite fer men ..........btw i did send u da link of the pic i jus thought by doin so we wud both extinct ourselves...... he he he he ..... and jus have u know i have it saved on my comp ......... ok i wont blackmail u but will show it to ur wife ie if u get married ......... life is too short to think bout da past he he he he he he he he...........

September 27, 2007 at 1:01 PM  

its always good to pride oneself...but then being a extremist of any form aint right... but then we all hve r strong points n weak points..... i believe that the creation was made as b a battle of whatever sort....


November 11, 2007 at 11:04 AM  

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